Скачать книгу «Arbitration Law Reports and Review 2003»

- Автор: Shackleton Stewart
- Жанр: Oxford University Press
- Год выпуска: 2006
- Издатель: Oxford University Press
- Страниц: 752
- The definitive single source for full text English arbitration cases and analysis: including many cases unreported elsewhere — Analytical and comparative commentary section adds context to individual decisions, offers additional references relevant to arbitration issues, and assists in identifying trends — Keywords and headnotes for each case provide at a glance summaries — Extensive indexing and cross-referencing assist the research process — This 2003 volume is the first in a comprehensive series: volumes for 1997 to 2002 and 2004 are forthcoming, and volumes for 2005 onwards will be produced in each succeeding year This is the 2003 volume of the Arbitration Law Reports and Review series, which makes full texts of judgments on arbitration law of England, Wales and Northern Ireland available in a single publication on an annual basis. Yearly volumes include a comprehensive collection of arbitration related judicial decisions for the relevant calendar year, with back volumes in preparation to cover each year since entry into force of the Arbitration Act 1996. The case law is cross-referenced and each case is prefaced by a head note of keywords, a concise summary of the issues, the holding and judicial comments obiter plus lists of cases, arbitration rules and legislation referred to. Each volume contains the Editor's analytical review of developments during the year, offering comment on decisions, grouping cases together under thematic headings to identify trends and developments, and integrating discussion of relevant non-arbitration related cases (contract interpretation, human rights, adjudication, expert determination, mediation, procedural fairness, duties to give reasons and so on). The review also draws attention to comparative developments abroad, in particular to UNCITRAL Model Law jurisdictions applying similar legislative provisions.