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Exam Skills for Law Students

- Provides practical guidance on the skills and techniques needed to successfully answer essay and problem-style questions so that students can reach their full potential — Includes numerous examples of model answers, both good and bad, with author commentary so that students can understand how, by approaching questions in different ways, they can best demonstrate their knowledge of the law — Emphasises the need to develop skills and techniques throughout law modules including how to gather appropriate materials, and formulate ideas, so that early on students are in the best possible position to produce work that reflects their abilities New to this edition — New coverage on the best techniques students could adopt in writing their coursework, including extended essays and dissertations — There will be an expanded section on answering essay questions — An improved and clearer page layout to aid navigation This book deals with the major hurdles that all students must face: examinations. To overcome this barrier, it is important that the exam process is fully understood by students and that the techniques used by successful examinees are thoroughly mastered. Written in a clear, accessible style, Exam Skills for Law Students demonstrates how good students can do themselves justice in examinations by using the knowledge that they have acquired to full effect. The authors suggest ways in which legal arguments can be marshalled and identify methods by which both essay and problem questions can be tackled. Examples are drawn from the core subjects of contract, criminal law, public law and the law of torts, although techniques illustrated can be applied to many other areas of law. This will be an invaluable aid to any students taking academic law examinations.

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