» » Informing and Consulting Employees: The New Law

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Informing and Consulting Employees: The New Law

- The only text on the Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations 2004 — Offers clear, practical guidance to this complex new area, with checklists and sample documentation — Explains the contents of the Regulations and provides advice on what they will mean for employers in practice — Includes full text of the Regulations, along with the EU Information and Consultation Directive, and the DTI guidance on the Regulations providing a one-stop shop for interested practitioners — Authored by a team at Freshfield Bruckhaus Deringer, a leading international law firm with a highly regarded employment law team A comprehensive and practical analysis of the Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations 2004. The Regulations, which come into force on a rolling basis from spring 2005, represent a fundamental and complex change to employee relations in the UK, requesting companies to set up domestic works councils and inform and consult them about a wide range of business issues. This book provides a detailed explanation of the contents of the regulations, as well as offering expert guidance on their implications for employers in practice. The text explains the operation of the new law on a mechanical level and provides expert guidance on its implications. It addresses the practical concerns and questions of those affected — when do the regulations apply; how is the information and consultation process started; how does an employer negotiate; when should a voluntary procedure be considered; what does 'information and consultation' mean; how is confidential information best treated; how will the new be procedure enforced; how does it interact with existing laws on redundancy and TUPE? The Narrative is supported by flowcharts and sample procedures, together with the full text of relevant materials (the Regulations, the Directive, and DTI guidance).

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