Скачать книгу «Perspectives on Punishment: The Contours of Control»
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- Автор: Armstrong Sarah
- Жанр: Oxford University Press
- Год выпуска: 2006
- Издатель: Oxford University Press
- Страниц: 304
- Takes a multidisciplinary approach to the subject of penal policy and criminology — Includes a mixture of both empirical research and theoretical perspectives — Comparative analysis — International coverage ERRATUM The sentence on p. 153, lines 5-7 should read «...if welfare expenditure had not risen but remained at its 1987 level, the rise in imprisonment would have been 20 per cent greater than actually occurred, i.e. from 75 in 1987 to 99 in 1998.» No other part of the book is affected by this correction.